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my wild frame captures

Night Sky

It all started with the Neowise Comet. I have been intrigued with the night sky. I have wanted to be able to capture it on "film" but nothing really drove me to try to figure out how. So when Neowise appeared I did a bit of digging and got out only DSLR, my Canon T6, to try to figure it out. Another deterrent, just ask anyone in my family, I am NOT a night person, I am an early morning person. Luckily by the time I knew enough, Neowise was best seen early evening.

This was an experiment with much trial an error. I could not actually see the comet in my view finder. So, it was take a picture, view it, try to focus, start again. Some were better than others.

Then, I am sure because of my Googling about night photography, I had a "free Milky Way Class" show on my factbook newsfeed, it looked interesting, so I joined. OMG, I learned SO MUCH from Kristine Rose Photography. Many thanks to her for her inspirations. She is a n photographer in Nova Scotia and she had put together a fantastic free online class. She usually does in person classes but of course because of Covid, she developed a intro free version. You can take her Master Class, which is one you pay for. Although she seriously did give you enough in the intro class for a fantastic understanding and start, I really do hope to join one of the Master Classes she may have in the future. I just can't quite justify the money since I am simply a hobbyist photographer..(maybe I should start a Go Fund Me)

Milky Way photography is quite unique, and a bit unnerving at times. Driving around, all hours of the night, looking for a good foreground lining up with the Milky Way. It can be quite peaceful, BUT it is amazing how LOUD a squirrel can be in dried leaves or a deer snorting from somewhere outside of view. A person can get a bit jumpy. I decided to keep car windows open. That way in a panic I can toss my equipment in the back, jump in the front and take off. I also think I could use my tripod as a weapon, but who knows if I would actually remember that in the moment. One night within a mile of the house I say 2 skunks and a coyote. I continued driving.

So the Neowise captures were all pretty much prior to the online classes. Here are some of my Milky Way images I got with my simple T6. The Milky Way actually has a "season" and it is pretty much done for this year. I look forward to getting images next season. These are all single shots, no compositions.

Enjoy, share, follow.

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